CHEO Ambassador

Aviyah has been dealing with medical issues since she was three years old. A diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease led to first one of her kidneys being removed and then the other when the team at CHEO realized that masses on her kidneys had indeed become cancerous. “You can function with just one kidney,” mom Natasha explains. “Life just goes on, as usual. But after that second kidney was removed, our lives really changed.”

Aviyah now comes to CHEO four days a week for dialysis, which has been her routine for a year now. Going into year two, Natasha says they know what to expect, and feel confident they have found their groove. This routine will continue for another year, and then “Aviyah will be put on the kidney transplant list,” Natasha explains. “Once she’s on that list, we hope a donor can be found quickly and she can get back to being a kid!”

And the people at CHEO? Natasha, says with a deep breath, “Everyone is incredible. The nurses, the doctors, the Child Life Specialists. Aviyah has a teacher named Paul who helps her stay on track. Aviyah also loves crafts and games to help pass the time. Music therapy is a real favourite for her. She also loves colouring and doing TikTok challenges. Some days she would prefer to be here!” Natasha says with a laugh. “That’s how special this place is!”